Freedom, a crucial challenge for our faith
Interview with Fr. Julián Carrón by Gerolamo Fazzini - Credere“The crucial question today is how to make Christian life attractive in a world where the supreme value is freedom. Faith, in fact, is not communicated by compulsion, but by ‘attraction.’ As the Pope continually says.”
Father Julián Carrón has guided Communion and Liberation since 2005, designated by Father Giussani to succeed him a few months before Giussani’s death. Since then, the Spanish priest has ived the complex and fascinating adventure of leading the Movement toward a rediscovery of its original charism, in a troubled time, and has had, at times, to confront resistances and tensions even from within the Movement, to the point that some have accused him of squandering the inheritance of “Gius.”
This interview with Father Carrón comes alongside of the publication of a new version, by Edizioni San Paolo, of a text of Father Giussani from 1973, Dalla liturgia vissuta. Una estimonianza. [The lived liturgy. A testimony.]
- freedom-crucial-challenge-for.pdf 137KBFreedom, a crucial challenge for our faith, Interview with Fr. Julián Carrón by Gerolamo Fazzini Credere