
News - 2024

 CLU students (Montreal and Ottawa)

Destination: Lynn, Massachusetts!

Current EventsJean-François Bigras

In March, a Lenten retreat for the CLU students took place in Lynn, Massachusetts. Students from Canada joined them for moments of reflection, silence and prayer. They share their experience of that weekend.

Way of the Cross Ottawa


The Way of the Cross throughout the streets of Downtown Ottawa Led by Msgr. Marcel Damphousse, Archbishop of Ottawa-Cornwall

(Photo:Caleb Smith, unsplash)

“Chastity, Reconciliation of the Senses"

Current EventsColleen Rouleau

A commentary about Bishop Erik Varden's book "Chastity, Reconciliation of the Senses" and its relevance to the current context of legislation in Alberta regarding gender identity and parental rights.

A unique Lens


The friends that organized the Leonard Cohen exhibit at the 2024 New York Encounter share their judgment on the work.

Mont- Royal Cross (Montreal)

Way of the Cross Montreal


Way of the Cross through the streets of downtown Montreal led by Mgr Christian Lépine, Archbishop of Montreal

Monsignor Christian Lépine (Mass for the 19th anniversary of Fr. Giussani's death)

"Beggars of Jesus Christ"

Current EventsMsgr Lepine, Archbishop of Montreal

The homily of Msgr Lepine, Archbishop of Montreal at the Memorial Mass for the 19th anniversary of the death of the founder of Communion and Liberation and the 42nd anniversary of the pontifical recognition of the Fraternity