"A Presence that is happening today"
At the Beginning Day in Montreal, Luca shared through a witness his desire for fulfillment and his experience of a relationship with the Infinite through his work.Whenever I'm asked if I enjoy my job, I'm reluctant to respond because I know that whatever I say is incomplete.
I was once told that work is an expression of my relationship with the infinite. A strange way to define work, but it still appears to me to be the most realistic and interesting hypothesis that I can verify every day. When does this hypothesis become clear? Whenever I start a new job.
I have changed jobs five times since I moved to Canada. Every time I started a new job I was filled with enthusiasm and expectations for the new challenges that were ahead. At the end of the day, on my way home, I would always be singing. I see the same excitement in all of my coworkers whenever they start something new: a new project, or working with a new team. We are this relationship with what is ahead of us. But I also saw that whenever I started a new job, I ran the risk of being forgetful of this relationship, and the job became merely what I'm capable of doing or what I have to do.
I currently work in a public medical lab, and there are two attitudes that are very common there. The first one is frustration because you've brought a new idea to a place that is not willing to make new changes. The second attitude is giving up on one’s desires: when one starts wondering why to put up with the frustration when there are other things in one’s life.
At this point, the initial promise of something good fades away, as does my desire to truly live in the awareness of my relationship with the infinite. Is there any chance for my desire to be fulfilled?
I've also been told that this fading desire can only be lit by a reawakened "I".However, we commonly believe that an “I” reawakened is someone who knows how to handle a problem, or is capable of offering an opinion, someone who must be able to stay on top of things. Instead, I see that the reawakening of my “I” happens only in the presence of someone who is aware of her/his relationship with the Infinite.
I frequently recall what Ben and Elisabeth told me about how the audience with the Pope in Rome challenged their lives. The way they made their judgment helped me look at my life with the same desire I saw and heard in them.
It's about a presence that is happening today. If we do not recognize these friends as a presence, it is because we have already determined that they are only a model to which we must adapt in order to deal with our usual challenges.
Luca, Montreal