The words of Pope Francis and Fr. Giussani accompany Giovanni Segantini's Kissing the Cross. The video-poster is also available online 
The Lenten Message of Cardinal Pizzaballa to the diocese of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem 
In his letter to the Minister, Cardinal Leo conveys his deep concerns in response to a finance committee recommendation regarding the charitable status of religious organizations and those identified as “anti-abortion”. 
Davide Prosperi’s message for the 50th anniversary of Fr. Julián Carrón’s priestly ordination. “I thank Fr. Julián for what his ‘yes’ to the Lord’s call was able to generate.” 
The notes of the Beginning Day for adults, and the text of Hussam Abu Sini's testimony 
The launch of the AVSI Tents campaign with a speech by Davide Prosperi